Kids Club
Toddler's Playroom, Climbing Park and Ball Pit, and Family Batting Room.
Climbing Park and Ball Pit:Honeycomb structure, marine ball pit, and forest climbing net. Explore the room and its fantasy worlds.
Toddler's Playroom:Mini kitchen, building blocks, wall games, urban rock climbing, and castle slides. Have fun and let your child explore their imagination.Family Batting Room:Swing, sweat, and step up your enthusiasm for your family and for fun.

Please note
1. Take off your shoes when using Climbing Park and Ball Pit and Toddler's Playroom. For Family Batting Room, please wear workout shoes.
2. Children under the age of 12 are required to be accompanied by a parent.
3. Pregnant women, people with cervical spine or other injuries, people under the influence of alcohol, or those who have a chronic medical condition, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, are advised not to use the facility.
4. Please see actual onsite announcement for latest information and opening hours, no prior notice will be given.
* This facility is for in-house guests. For other guests, please purchase One-Day Pass.